The Moon Child Playlist

A heart-wrenchingly beautiful playlist by Shelby. 

Moon Child Playlist

This is the playlist you need before even you know it yourself. It's for rainy day commutes; for when you're lying in the middle of your living room floor, everything around you a mess, both literally and figuratively; for when the only way you can imagine healing is by feeling the music sync up to the beat of your heart. This playlist is for those moments you ache with love and longing, caught up in the power The Moon holds over Planet Earth. It's for those moments where you feel caught, trapped even, yet you want to linger all the same. Have a listen, and read my thoughts below on each song. 

Friction — Kai Straw
My best friend and favorite Pisces introduced me to Kai Straw after I’d become obsessed with Maggie Rogers. He mixes dance beats with very moody piano melodies, and it just gets me all in my feels. He has so much passion that it will send chills down my spine even after I’ve listened to this song on repeat for hours at a time. 

Skinny Love — Birdy 
This song isn’t new to me, but its a forever favorite, and in all honesty I dream of the day the love of my life sings this song to me. I picture it happening while I’m curled up in a blanket wearing a big t-shirt of his and he plays it on his acoustic guitar while I smile and close my eyes and drift off to sleep. (Alternatively, I don’t think I can date another musician so I hope my love holds my hand on a road trip and when this song comes on one of my many playlists he squeezes my hand gently and sings along with me.)

Alaska- Maggie Rogers 
I have listened to this song no less than 5,000 times in the last two months. I. Can’t. Stop. Maggie may be one of my favorite artists of ALL TIME. Her singer-songwriter lyrics, her dreamy voice, the mixing of dance beats, nature sounds; its everything that captures my soul. I’ve danced in the car, my shower, my living room, my office even to this song. I’ve also cried every other time listening to it. 

Dog Years- Maggie Rogers 
See above. Can’t. Stop. She just gets it. My Pisces and I are going to see Maggie on her first tour when she goes to DC in April, and I’m prepared to dance and weep through the entire show. 

Dangerous- Kai Straw 
Like friction, this blends moody piano, with Kai Straw’s sultry voice. It will absolutely get you in the mood. 

Loveless — Lo Moon 
This is the only song I’ve listened to of Lo Moon’s and it is a song high school Shelby would have listened to on repeat. Especially on my long bus ride, if it was raining. I’d have my head phones in, resting my forehead against the cool glass watching woods and pastures go by trying to pretend I was anywhere but that musty smelling bus. Additionally, this song would fit perfectly on the first Twilight movie Soundtrack. YES that Twilight, that was a damn good movie soundtrack. 

Everything is You — Empress Of
I found Empress Of by stalking Maggie Rogers’ twitter and looking for her tweeting about other musicians. She did not disappoint and neither does Empress Of. I can dance to this song all day long and attempt to sing to it, but that’s best reserved for when I’m alone in my car and no one can hear me failing to hit those notes. (Also, planning to purchase this one on vinyl soon. Gonna be so good.)

Em's note: if you're in Wilmington, NC check out Modern Legend for your latest vinyl; the owner is incredible, you can shop some amazing finds, and the records are glorious. 

Gold -Cabu 
There’s a lot I could say about this one, but just wait for the beat to drop, and you’ll know it all.

Get Low -James Vincent McMorrow 
There is something about the simplicity with this song that draws me in. I have to be careful when driving to this song, I just want to close my eyes, and sway to the beat, and let James’ voice wash over me.

Say You Won’t Let Go — James Arthur 
This song is all over the radio right now. I heard it a few times and then my Pisces played it in the car, and I practically screamed at her “WHO/WHAT IS THIS? I NEED IT NOW!” And I’m pretty sure it has been my most played song of 2017. Honestly, if you listen to nothing else on this playlist, please listen to this, and think about all of the loves of your life, and smile. 

Impossible — James Arthur 
This one popped up on spotify when I was listening to the previous one. I love it when the same artist can write as beautifully about falling out of love as they do falling in love. So after you’ve smiled at the good times with past loves, you can wallow in your heart break a little with this one. 

Pretty When U Cry — Ieuan
Another one that just sits right when the beat drops. I think this one hits home because of the time a boy told me I was really pretty after I’d been crying. Lesson learned through that: if a boy thinks you’re pretty when you cry they are probably going to make you cry again. 

Coffee — Sylvan Esso
I’ll just leave you with my favorite lyrics from this one: 

"I know my words will dry upon the skin
Just like a name I remember hearing
Wild winter, warm coffee
Mom’s gone, do you love me?
Blazing summer, cold coffee
Baby’s gone, do you love me?"

+What is your favorite song from the mix? Anything you would add? Share your thoughts below...