How To Pack a Carry-On

Packing for a weekend getaway made simple by a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rule. 

Honestly, packing is one of my most stressful pre-trip events. Because it gives me so much anxiety, I inevitably leave it for as last minute as possible, often over-packing late into the night before my early trip time. I wake up exhausted and irritable and invariably end up on my trip without the things I actually would want or need. I discovered this post years ago, didn't think too much about it, and recently found it again. Since this month is so inspired by travel (and I'm most anxious about the various trips), I wanted to break it down and chat about the idea in my own way. Read on for the best rule for packing your carry-on and banishing packing-anxiety for good...

The 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Rule:

5 Tops

Think about your most versatile favorites, and incorporate 5 tops into your packing list. This includes any outerwear, so pack something that gets you onto the plane (or into the chilly car) and to your destination in style and comfort. My go-to tops include a silk blouse, black t-shirt, soft pullover (sunburn and AC don't mix too well), off the shoulder blouse, and a workout shirt I love for both yoga/running and going out. 

4 Bottoms

Time to toss in 4 bottoms - this includes shorts, skirts, pants, etc. Again, flexible options are your best friend here. This weekend my four include a pair of cutoffs, a green maxi skirt, a pair of white palazzo pants, and my favorite black pants. 

3 Dresses/Rompers

Honestly, I could pack for a whole weekend in just this section. Picking basics suiting the mood of your trip but not strikingly noticeable is key. Since these limit mixing and matching options as well as them being all you'll wear, make sure they match your accessories. I'll be packing my black romper with lace detailing, my black slip dress, and a simple black cotton romper. 

3 Pairs of Shoes

Here you must pick your most wearable, already broken in, shoes. In my opinion, flats are better than heels when traveling. I'll be taking my flip flops, lace up sandals, and a pair of sneakers. 

2 Bags

For bags, I suggest taking one you'll use for travel, like a backpack or tote, which transitions nicely for any longer day trips as well as a smaller clutch-sized bag for going out or when you just need/want the essentials. Make sure these match or compliment your clothing choices and shoes, as you'll only have these two options. I'll be taking my computer and chargers in my blue tote bag and tossing in my favorite pink-orange clutch for a fun infusion of color. 

2 Bathing Suits

Clearly for a more tropical destination (it is summer traveling for us here), you really don't need more than two. I suggest one bikini and a one-piece, however I'll be traveling with two one-pieces, because I'm obsessed with their design and want to get all the wear time I can with them. 

1 Hat, Watch, & Sunnies

How often do we take several of each of these and only wear one (or none) the whole trip? After the sunburn I got last week, I'm bringing a wide-brimmed hat for the pool, a watch I recently picked up and am trying to get into the habit of wearing, and my favorite aviators since I wear them 99% of the time. 

Unlimited Undies, Socks, and Jewelry

For these, feel free to pack as many as you can fit in your carry on. I usually put socks into my sneakers, roll my undergarments into the side, and place my jewelry in small bags and place them on top of my clothes.

+ I'm a notorious over packer. This rule is saving my life. What about you? 

5 Essential Oils You Need for Travel

Hellooooo healthy. Goodbye chemicals. Our five favorite oils for travel below from our resident oil distributer, Shelby. 

Summertime means travel for a lot of us - concerts, road trips, family vacations, plane rides, etc. At the same time, many of us are trying to replace chemicals in our lives, which can translate to our wellness suffering when traveling. To keep you at ease and healthy through even your most adventurous trips, I'm sharing my five essential oils to travel with this summer season...

Stress Away.png

1. Young Living’s Stress Away – my go to even when at home, because it smells like a tropical vacation in a bottle.  When traveling anywhere, Stress Away is my best friend. It’s comical how worked up we get trying to go on vacation. If things are going wrong, simply sniff that bottle of stress away. You can diffuse it while you’re packing or roll it on your pulse points before liftoff if planes give you jitters.

The distinct mix of Vanilla and Lime gives Stress Away its unique and pleasant aroma—among other benefits, including Vanilla’s naturally occurring eugenol (antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties). This blend also includes Copaiba, which has a history of beneficial properties, like boosting respiratory health; Lavender, with its refreshing and calming scent; and Cedarwood, which features the powerful plant constituent cedrol (tightened tummy, boosted digestive health, anti-fungal properties). All of these ingredients are expertly blended with the exotic scent of Ocotea, a unique, Ecuador-sourced essential oil.

2. Young Living’s DiGize was my hero on a recent trip to D.C. I had a mysterious fever for two days before we left which left me weak, dehydrated, and nursing a sensitive stomach. Enter in DiGize, one of Young Living's exclusive and proprietary dietary supplements. This unique blend contains Ginger, Anise, Fennel, Peppermint, Tarragon, Lemongrass, Patchouli, and Juniper essential oils. Aka perfect for balancing a digestive system and feeling like a 10/10.

Inhale directly from the bottle, or mix up with carrier oil in a roller bottle, and apply right to your tummy. Add to a gel capsule, or add two drops Digize Vitality and one drop Peppermint Vitality to water for a stimulating beverage. You could also add two to three drops honey to support a wellness regimen. So go ahead, grab a couple extra packets of honey from your continental breakfast and enjoy those Alligator Fritters or Turtle Soup. Or not. Maybe just that delicious, decadent dessert.

3. Traveling can be hard on your immune system and Young Living’s Thieves is your immune system’s best friend. Blend with a carrier oil in a roller and apply daily to your spine to support your immune system. Diffuse at night for a homey scent - seriously, that cinnamon makes you want to cozy up. Add a drop of Thieves to a spoonful of local honey (that local honey can help you adjust to seasonal blooms as well, because bees pollinate local flowers, and the honey develops a strong allergen base for your health). 

4. If your ideal vacation finds you hiking scenic mountains, chasing kiddos around an amusement park, exploring shops downtown, or even just on a long car ride – you’re probably going to end up with sore muscles and joints. Young Living’s PanAway, applied topically, provides a stimulating aromatic experience with Peppermint, Wintergreen, Clove, and Helichrysum. It kind of feels like Icy Hot or Mineral Ice but 100% natural. If you’re traveling with your best friend or partner, trade some massages with PanAway at the end of the day. Or if you’re going solo, pop a roller fitment on that oil and get into those muscles!

5. Finally, Young Living's Lavender – you honestly won’t find me anywhere without it. Rub a few drops on the bottom of your feet to help relax and unwind at the end of the day, and ease into a great night’s sleep -- even when you're in a new location.

Lavender is known for its soothing properties, so applying it after too much time in the sun feels like a treat (bonus: you might add peppermint for a nice, cooling sensation). Also perfect for when some pesky critters have tried to snack on you or you want to keep the bugs away.

Next week I’ll be hosting an online Travel and Essential Oils Facebook class! You can attend from the comfort of your couch and PJs, and I’ll be sharing even more amazing oils to travel with along with some tips and tricks for taking your oils on the go! Read more about it/RSVP here

+Do you use oils? Which one is your must buy right now? Comment below...

Disclaimer/Note: I am not a doctor – I cannot diagnose or heal your ails. I am a Young Living Independent Distributor, and I choose to use their oils and products, because I love their purity and their business practices. I have noticed a significant difference between their oils and many other brands I have tried.  If you’d like to know more about why Young Living is different, I am always happy to gush! Email me

10 Must-Dos for Writing Thank Yous

Just a few things to keep in mind. Xx. 

It has been celebration central these past couple weeks since I graduated college, and I have been overwhelmed by the support and love of my friends and family. I wanted to send them a token of my appreciation by writing thank-you notes whether they showed up in person to my ceremony or thoughtfully sent a gift of congratulations. I know some people think snail mail is a dead art, but I find there is nothing more exciting than getting to open an unexpected piece of mail from someone I love. For this week's Weekly Niceties, I am sharing my 10 must-dos when writing thank yous...

1. Do personalize your notes, and avoid any standard formats where all you do is sign your name. 

2. Do recognize the gift - though not the amount - or sentiment. 

3. Do, if applicable, mention how you will use the gift. Here, stating the amount might be appropriate, but still avoid if possible.

4. Do send a note even if time has passed, and you feel it is too late. A late note is always better than no note in my opinion! 

5. Do be enthusiastic but also genuine. Unless it truly is the "most beautiful ____", avoid overdramatic platitudes. 

6. Do make it legible, and write in your best handwriting, either print or script. 

7. Do address it with their name, and use a signature like best, with gratitude, or love

8. Do write them in the spirit the gift or presence was given. People can smell a form letter from a mile away, which takes away from the nature of a thank you.

9. Do take your time. There is nothing worse than messing up on the last sentence, because your thoughts are faster than your hand. 

10. Do have fun! You were celebrated or thought of kindly, and that is so lovely. You're wonderful for wanting to share a little of that kindness. 

+ were these helpful? do you still write thank you notes?