Love Love Love || 11.4.14

I am worthy of love. I find love all around me. I am love.

No doubt, just love. Fill yourself with the magnanimous desire to scream from the rooftops and jump up with glee. Silly? Perhaps. Childlike? Of course. Necessary? Not a doubt in my mind. Love love love love love. Maybe you say the word aloud, or write it furiously in a notebook. Maybe you tattoo it into your skin, or whisper it until it sounds right. Whatever you do, just make space to find love today, in every moment, every second, everywhere.

How will you express your love today?



Uniquely You || 10.28.14


I am worthy. You are worthy. We are worthy.

This quote gave me chills. We are all individual spirits learning how to lean on one another, learn, play, explore, and love. There is no other being on this planet that resembles our thoughts, shape, or values. We are all so different in a beautiful way. Why do we try to change this? We are so worthy of being ourselves and letting our love shine as we write and draw and build and play and dance and live. It is so beautiful to be unique. Let's try and honor ourselves by singing our own tune and only doing what makes us feel one hundred percent. No doubts, no worries, just love and light and individual expression. Cool.

How can you let your individual light shine today?



Make Noise + Express Yourself || 10.21.14


“It’s okay to make noise. I express myself freely and joyously. I speak up for myself with ease. I express my creativity. I am willing to change.”

Louise Hay describes the throat as an ‘avenue of expression + a channel of creativity’. Problems arise with an ‘inability to speak up for one’s self + swallowed anger + stifled creativity + refusal to change’. Does this sound familiar? Are you closing your voice off and thus your light by not speaking your truth and expressing yourself? Words don't need to be the only answer. Express your creativity through art, by writing, by dancing or with other forms of movement. It's okay to make noise. What a beautiful sentiment. Shed beautiful tears, yell until your heart is content, breathe fire and thrash, laugh so loudly it echoes. Be big and expressive. Be grand and noisy! Make it count and make it loud and make it real and make it you. There is nothing wrong with walking in your truth and vibrating at your highest frequencies. If others are intimidated or unaffected or angered, let all of that weight fall on their shoulders. You - we- carry far too much. Let's just hold onto what is ours for the moment, shall we?

How can you make noise, be free, and speak your truth?


[ Sonriza print Marine/ Pool ]