Fun News and Friday Finds


Cheers to the weekend!


I am now blogging for an amazing woman, Liza Rae, the inspiring force behind There’s Beauty in Recovery! Head on over to my blogger page and find the magic of being present and living your own practice. Then get lost in the magnificence of my fellow writers and Liza Rae herself. xo


My weekend will be filled with charcoal artwork, an event downtown, the first football game & tailgate of the season, as well as plenty of rest and relaxation. I've been feeling a little down and under the weather. It will get better, though!

What are your plans this weekend?



I’ve been craving thin mints like crazy. Vegan // GF style.

The yoga pants I just fell in love with.

I am so ready for fall – everything about this post: sweaters & pumpkin spice lattes.

My new favorite inspiration.

Because you cannot deny the cuteness of micro pigs – can’t wait until I own one.


Peace & Love
