Weekly Finds || 7.17.15



 || Annnnnnddddd Exhale. ||

It has been a crazy month, as I'm (Emily, here!) sure it's been for everyone. I've been here, there, and everywhere yet nowhere all the same. I've taken a leap of faith and realized that sometimes, it isn't enough. I've tried and failed, cut my losses, started again, and realized that celebration doesn't always have to happen at the completion of a project. I've helped other people find their truth and get ready to propel forward into their niche while I have felt slightly left behind. But all that mindset changes today. Reality is what grounds us, but hope, inspiration, and passion are what ignite our futures. I'll try to remember this idea, and maybe together we can quit living in a fear of impossibility and start dreaming from a place of what's the worst that could happen?

+ What are you up to this weekend? I'm hanging on vacation, so I'd love to chat!

Don't miss the latest on the blog // afternoon travel snacks!


Do you know how much water you eat?

Well we all know how much I love pineapples. Here's a daiquiri in a pineapple. Yes.

If you watch this whole video of endangered sea otter pups playing, you will be happy.

What to share and not to share in a relationship. Interesting and valid in my opinion.

You're probably just Type A-Minus. Funny and true.

Explore, love, hope, and be yourself. Always. Have a great weekend! xx

Be sure to tune into my snapchat (@efriend216) or follow me on instagram or twitter (both @yourfriend_em) for my travel adventures and foodie finds! xx


Did you catch the launch of my new program, GLOW? Find out how you can get $25 just by sending someone my way!